Trustees & Governors

St. Martin’s School Local School Committee

  • Des Shillingford - Chair – Co-opted Governor 
  • Vijay Tohani – Vice Chair - Parent Governor 
  • John Bozza – Parent Governor 
  • Rahim Butt – Co-opted Governor
  • Jamie Foster – Executive Headteacher
  • Caroline Gibson -  Co-opted Governor
  • Jenny Page – Staff Governor 
  • Gaynor Wilson – Staff Governor 

To contact the Chair of Governors, please write to Mr. Des Shillingford at the school address.

Governor Resignations during Academic Year 2023/24

Jof Gaughan – Resignation Date: 20 March 2024 
Darren McCabe – Resignation Date:31 January 2024 
Milena Traycova – Resignation Date: 8 April 2024